måndag 13 oktober 2014

Year 8 Letter to your teacher

Dear students,

I am very excited to start working with you and I am sure that we will have a fantastic year together!

I would like to know all about who you are but first, I will tell you a little bit more about myself. I am originally from the United States. Have you ever been there? I was born in Spokane, Washington and grew up in Portland, Oregon. Do you know where Oregon is? It is a beautiful state with gorgeous mountain ranges, a dramatic coastline, and it even has a large desert region. What do you think of when you think of the United States? 
Here are a few pictures from Oregon.

I am married and have two grown-up sons.  Can you tell me something about your family?  What do you like to do in your spare time?  Do you have any pets? Here is a picture of our pet turtle, Myrtle. She loves the sunshine!

(Continue letter....)

Welcome to Mrs. Borg's English blog!

Welcome to my English blog!
This blog is a meant to be a gathering place for all of the work we do together in English.   Your own blogs should also be a gathering place for the work you do in English however, they will also be a place for you to showcase your work, reflect over your work, and to get feedback on your work from your classmates and your teacher.

In this blog you will be able to find:

  • Unit descriptions
  • Unit resources
  • Assignment calenders
  • Your classmates blogs
  • Miscellaneous fun stuff!
I am looking forward to an exciting year of creating and blogging!

Here is a short video that will tell you a little bit more about who I am and where I come from.  I hope you enjoy it!